Course introduction

Video 1 of 61
2 min 8 sec

Welcome to the First Aid for Fitness and Dance Instructors Level Three Online Course

Course Overview

Welcome to the First Aid for Fitness and Dance Instructors Level Three video online course by ProTrainings. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Video Series: Watch a series of instructional videos.
  • Knowledge Review: Answer knowledge review questions throughout the course.
  • Completion Test: Take a short completion test at the end of the course.
  • Flexible Learning: Start and stop the course at your convenience.
  • Multi-Device Access: View the course on any device (computer, smartphone, tablet).
  • Enhanced Viewing: Pin videos to the top of your screen for easier reading of accompanying text.
  • Subtitles and Support: Access subtitles and additional text support for each video.
  • Completion Certificate: Print your completion certificate and download other resources upon passing the test.
  • Continuous Updates: Regularly updated course content and resources.
  • Support Package: Comprehensive support available throughout your training.
  • Weekly Updates: Receive weekly emails with course updates, new videos, and blog news.

Additional Resources and Support

Make the most of your training with these additional resources:

  • Course Resources: Access additional links and resources from the course homepage.
  • Company Solutions: Explore free company dashboards for workplace staff training.
  • Contact Us: Reach out via email, phone, or online chat for more information.

Enjoy your learning experience with ProTrainings. Thank you for choosing us!

Good luck!